Monday, May 25, 2009

kristen & marin 5.23.09 internet recap in HD

what can i say but what a great couple! We had a blast yesterday even though we had to rush around a little, we still got every shot we needed! We even got joe video to climb out a window onto their roof to get an insane shot of the bride looking out the window. This internet recap has a lot of different elements to it. We have a few song changes, insane steadicam shots, slider shots and great emotions! Had a blast guys and talk to you soon, Dave

Please watch this video in HD, hit play wait for it to load then hit the X button next to the word vimeo!

kristen & marin 5.23.09 HD from moving pictures llc on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WOW... I suck

So sorry for not "blogging" but we have been extra crazy over here. We were in Vegas, shot a huge music video and still editing wedding videos around the clock. I will start blogging again asap, I promise! I wanted to share a really cool brides house that we just finished. So sit back relax and enjoy!


photo: ricky restiano

Note: This brides house was filmed when we had a nor'easter in town! All the roads were flooded and highways closed! Even with all that happening we made it there on time and we did a lot of interesting shots with our video light which Mr. ricky loves btw!

Untitled from moving pictures llc on Vimeo.